Company News

1,000 Cargo Truck Convoys Per Month With Zero Incident Rate. Secure Facilities And Transportation Hubs Created For The Safe Storage And Transportation Of Goods

Sep 14, 2013

For years, ground transportation in Iraq was nearly impossible due to the frequency of insurgent attacks on cargo convoys. aXseum’s logistics & facilities management solutions created safe and reliable transportation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the related facilities to ensure continued economic growth.

When U.S. forces as well as others were facing daily loss of life at the hands of hostile locals. In addition, facilities management and security were a constant need.

In 2008, with the mandate to reduce these losses, the U.S. Department of Defense selected aXseum to form the Iraqi Transportation Network (ITN) which launched in 2008. Our team brought together local Iraqi leaders and transportation and facility experts from around the world to develop in-country logistics and facilities management capabilities. After touring the country, we were able to establish pivotal working relationships with key tribal leaders and regional decision makers.

This project was dangerous, challenging, and held considerable risks; yet aXseum successfully designed and built the network and successfully achieved the mission.

The Iraqi Transportation Network (ITN) is comprised of commercial transportation management businesses acting as freight forwarding and transportation service providers that work in close partnership with Iraqi Sheikh/tribal-led transportation service companies that utilize Iraqi vehicles, facilities, management and operators. Because the ITN is “locally-endorsed,” the network economically outperforms its competitors and proves to be a safe and reliable logistics solution.

Today the ITN partners with 16 tribal companies comprised of 174 different tribes. We continue to expand the range and locations of its services, which include long-term plans to create a physical Logistics Support Network of truck stops and transit facility hubs.

Highlights of ITN’s achievements include:

  • Completing over 30,000 truck movements over the last two years without a single incident of attack, loss, or damage.
  • Generating over $100 million in revenues that directly benefit the Iraqi economy.
  • Establishing 16 Iraqi companies that supply well-paid jobs to more than 3,200 Iraqi citizens; and creating a network of more than 190 powerful, locally-respected Iraqi Sheikhs with a personal incentive to combat insurgent-related instability and work together across sectarian boundaries.
  • Design and development of transportation hubs in Iraq.
  • Designed the warehouse facility, oversaw construction, and managed the interactions between warehouse and trucking personnel in Iraq.

The ITN has allowed for a reduction in the need for Multi-National Force Troops often involved in securing convoys. The ITN has saved lives even as it has built an economy. It has been a groundbreaking example of how establishing thriving economic activity has stabilized the region.

The ITN project was so successful the client hired aXseum to create a similar infrastructure in Afghanistan. In 2011 aXseum created the Afghanistan Transportation Network (ATN).

Highlights of ATN achievements include:

  • Conducted in-depth assessment to determine feasibility of the transportation network.
  • Design and management of the in-country Afghanistan Transportation Network (ATN).
  • Completing over 2,250 truck movements without a single incident of attack, loss, or damage.
  • Generating infrastructure revenue that directly benefitted the Afghanistan economy.
  • Establishing 6 Afghanistan companies that supply well-paid jobs to more than 450 Afghan citizens.
  • Creating a network of more than 65 powerful, locally-respected Afghan Tribal Elders with a personal incentive to combat insurgent-related instability and work together across sectarian boundaries.
  • Developed the following routes:
    • Helmand Province:
      • Payne to Dwyer
      • Dwyer to Lashkar Gab
      • Lashkar Gab to Leatherneck and Price
      • Price to Nolay
      • Leatherneck into Farah Province
    • Farah Province:
      • Delaram into Helmand Province
      • Farah into Herat Province
    • Herat Province:
      • Shindand to Herat City
      • Herat City to Qala-i-Naw
    • Badghis Province:
      • Badghis Province to Herat Province

aXseum Logistics & Facility Management Highlights:

  • Over 100 facilities managed worldwide.
  • Operated facilities in 9 countries on 4 continents.
  • The successful Iraqi Transportation Network (ITN) lead to development of Afghan Transportation Network (ATN).
  • On our US Army contract, aXseum provided facilities management at Army Continuing Education System (ACES) facilities around the world.

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