Three Fundamentals of Enterprise Architecture
One of the primary challenges our clients face is managing the increasingly complex global mission that they are trying to accomplish. For any mission to be successful the systems must be designed to achieve the desired results. Every system must support real time decision making, manage security both at home and around the world, and process transactions and data globally.
Public sector clients are facing ever-increasing pressure to provide the best technology, information, and world-class systems while reducing costs. The real challenge is that these systems are often disparate across the world as separate military theaters, agencies, or business units have developed their own siloed approach to technology.
This complexity is multiplied by the explosion of data and means of accessing information. Because of the proliferation of cloud technology, mobile devices, social networks, big data, API’s and more, an organization’s technology is easily fragmented and disparate. Most key enterprise solutions have been designed in silos without architecture that allows systems to work together to achieve the organization’s goal.
aXseum’s Enterprise Architecture practice specializes in taking this complex challenge and answering with cohesive and strategic plans for governance, technology, tools and processes that enable our public sector clients to achieve their mission while containing costs.
aXseum utilizes the best practices in developing the governance of enterprise systems including compliance with DoDAF and TOGAF frameworks. Our management systems apply the Lean Six Sigma concepts and thereby eliminate waste and ensure stringent quality standards are woven into the design of all systems. This model takes systems without a single standardization authority and creates a uniform governance.
The aXseum approach to Enterprise Architecture revolves around utilizing the best practices available to provide solutions that align with strategic priorities established by the client. Typical tools utilized include:
- Big data analytics
- On-demand self-service for all platforms
- Reduction of provisioning time and rapid deployment
- Cloud-based architecture through efficient data centers’ footprint
- Business intelligence for reporting and analysis
- Training platforms
- Legacy platforms integration
- Identity and access management
- Physical and cyber security
- Network architecture for optimized voice, video and collaboration
- Biometric security architecture
- Integrated document management
- Record optimization
aXseum process evaluation and determination involve the implementation of thorough ITIL-based Operational Risk Management Assessment (ORMA). Each assessment utilizes a fundamental process to drive change through the organization by:
- Evaluating as-is state
- Aligning the mission of the agency and the strategic objectives
- Identifying fundamental gaps and opportunities
- Determining priority changes to close gaps and capitalize on opportunities
After assessment, key performance indicators (KPIs) are utilized to provide stringent and consistent measurement systems.
The resulting governance, technology, and processes architectures are applied to each project for efficient, sense-and-respond, agile, and cost-effective solutions that achieve the mission of each client.
aXseum’s team members and partners bring 40 years of experience in public sector Enterprise Architecture to every complex project we are awarded. This experience spans a diverse agency client base. aXseum’s rich talent can play at any level of the Enterprise Architecture playing field. – Michael Appleton, Vice President of Strategy